Under the Dome
I once again wasn't planning on writing tonight. I had just finished telling my roommate that while it was nice that one of my lenders asked how Charlie was doing and what's the latest I'd heard from him, I'd been trying all day not to think about the fact that I haven't talked to him since Monday morning! And then I'm on f-book chat talkin to by good friend Kara and up pops a chat from Charlie!!
I was pretty ecstatic to hear from him! So we chatted on f-book for a couple minutes and then he called to catch up on life. It was so good to talk to him. He's doing well, feeling better! Not sure if I mentioned or not, but he had a bit of a cold for a few days there, but it sounds like he kicked it finally! He's been busy working with Robbie, and its been raining a lot there, kinda like it has been here! He's been reading the new Stephen King book Under the Dome and he loves it. He tries to ready 25-50 pages a day and he's about 300 pages in, which is a pretty decent dent into a 1100 page book. He likes reading though says it keeps his brain working and makes him use his imagination. He also said its a good way to keep him busy! He has a couple family friends that are planning on sending him a care package with a whole series of books, so he should be set for the reading department for a while! I don't think I've ever dated someone who loves reading as much as I do, or really, who likes reading at all. I love to read, and I read a whole variety of things from murder mystery novels by Stewart Woods and James Patterson (some of my favs!!) to love stories and drama, and sometimes I'll even read non-fiction if I'm feelin the topic. I have read every single Nicholas Sparks book, except the new one sitting on my shelf that I'm overly excited to start this weekend, and I've read every single Jodi Picoult book.... she is an amazing author. I also love books that come in series (women's murder club, Stone Barrington, the Orchid series, mainly by James Patterson and Stewart Woods) they are easy reads b/c you already know the characters and personalities! Basically, I love most books that are an easy ready with a good story line, which pretty much exempts all the books I had to read in high school and college, glad those days are over!
Speaking of college being over, this weekend is Grad Weekend here at Cal Poly. And I wouldn't even have known that except for the fact that a girl who used to be one of my good friends sent me an announcement that she's graduation on Saturday! It made me realize that friendships take work, and they require work from both sides. And if it means something to you, both sides generally put in the effort. I don't have a lot of girlfriends so I always tried to put in a little extra effort with the ones I do have, but with this one, I got tired of being the one putting in the effort, trying to make plans and figure out schedules and only being called when I was needed for something...I know that I have not picked up the phone in 4 months to call her, but on the same token, I haven't heard my phone ringing either. Kind of a bummer huh? But on a happy note....CONGRATS to all of the winter grads!! You should have stayed in school through spring, the real world isn't all its cracked up to be!!!
I really look forward to your updates. Keep up the great writings!!