Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Building a Future!

2010, and yes, that is Twenty Ten, not Two Thousand Ten (way too wordy) is going to be a great year! As with any year its going to have its challenges, like 6 more months of this deployment, working in the banking industry isn't exactly butterflies and rainbows, and I have a lot of time and effort I want to put into physically improving myself (working out and eating better). But I predict the joys of 2010 will far outweigh the challenges! Charlie comes home this year! My brother come back to the states in 29 days! Maybe a change in career path by the end of the year? A change in living venues, goodbye SLO, hello San Diego County? Who knows!  But its going to be an adventure! 

I'm very excited for my brother to be coming home this month! If you don't know, he joined the army a year and a half ago and has served the last year in Korea. Not exactly his first choice in duty stations, but the year has flown by, and maybe he'll go someplace fun like Italy after his time in Georgia. I predict his time in Georgia will involve a deployment, 18 months for the army.... bummer! 

Not only does my brother come home this year, Charlie does too! Well not for another six months, but I'm already excited! I'm anxious to get by best friend back! Charlie and I chatted for a while today on Skype. Its so nice to see his face, have a real conversation with him. We were both laying in bed while on Skype, and it was almost as if he were lying there next to me while we chatted. Technology is amazing, and I'm so thankful for it as it has made this deployment so much easier for us!  

It seems I have a theme for each new year, or at least I have for the last few years. 2008 was the end of an era, I graduated college, my schooling was over for the time being. I plan on going back to school to get my masters and teaching credential after getting some real world experience, but 2008 was the end of an era. I wrung in 2009 with "new year, new beginnings." there were so many things I wanted to let go of from my past, and in 2009 I accomplished just that. And there were so many new beginnings. I started my job with the bank that I love, I started dating Charlie, I learned how to embrace all of the wonderful things in my life. For 2010 I look forward to building a future! Charlie and I have an amazing future ahead of us, and we work every day to make it what it is! I know every step I take in 2010 will be a step towards our future, and its so excited for me to think of it as OUR future! I predict 2010 will be a great year! 

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