Monday, April 19, 2010

Random Thoughts...

I have a ton of random thoughts running through my mind, so I thought I'd vent/blog a little a see if anything goes anywhere!

1)I kinda suck at this whole blogging thing. I mean I've never been much of a writer so I'm not sure what gave me the bright idea to start this blog, but I've been terrible at keeping it up to date! I had good intentions in the beginning, I wanted to keep everyone up to date on Charlie. I think I may have lost motivation along the way b/c I wasn't getting much feed back and I wasn't sure if anyone was even reading it. 

2)Sunburns hurt... working out while you have a sunburn hurts worse! And then having to change clothes and wear fitted clothes all day is just miserable. This weekend was Cal Poly's Open House, formerly known in my college days as Poly Royal Weekend. Its for prospects and alumni to come to campus and see all it is that Cal Poly has to offer. Its a pretty fun weekend full of tractor pulls and rodeos and deep fried anything you could imagine. This weekend was exceptionally beautiful out and so I decided to soak up the sun, a little too much apparently. The only thing burned is my shoulders, and I'm convinced that besides the top of your thighs, and burns you only get in a tanning bed, shoulder burns are near the top of the list when it comes to pain. Oh well, no pain no tan!

3)My brother should join a tractor pull team. I have never been to the pulls before. I have lots of friends from college that are apart of Cal Poly's team, and I've always meant to go to the pulls, but I was generally too wrapped up in rodeo stuff to make it over to the tractor pulls. But let me tell ya these tractors are awesome! They have airplane motors, or helicopter motors, or any other creation. Cal Poly's tractors, along with many others from california are built by Cal Poly students and a pretty awesome BRAE professor form Cal Poly. My brother loves loves loves to work on his truck and I think building giant tractor engines and then seeing how far they can pull a giant sled down a track... right up his ally!
Cal Poly's Mustang Fever!                                                                                                                    Dodge pullin against a Chevy, Dodge wins!                                                                

4)My nephew is addicted to bubbles and its the cutest thing I've ever seen. His favorite Aunt got him a bubble gun for Easter not knowing of his love for bubbles, and it was definitely a hit! The only bad part, Easter Sunday was cold and rainy and yucky outside and Mr. Landon wanted his bubbles!!! So outside it was... I hope my kids are as cute as he is! 

5)Who the heck changes their last name to a number?!?! I'll tell you, Chad OchoCinco... I'm watching dancing with the stars, and this guy is something else. I have not watched the show this season so I was fully prepared to dislike him, but actually he's kinda funny! 

6)I miss Charlie like crazy. Well that's actually number 1 on my mind, always, but I figured no one really wanted to read another blog where I talk about how much I miss Charlie. I'm so proud of that guy. He's such an amazing person. I think I'm supposed to be the supportive one, holding down the fort in the states so he can focus on what he's gotta do over there. But really, he's been my rock, he's been the one keeping me sane, and supporting me through life's twists and turns. We've found this amazing way to be there for each other through all the highs and lows even though we are half a world away. I'm the luckiest girl in the whole wide world! 
"Semper Fi" The driver just got back from Afghanistan! This one has two helicopter engines on it! 

So I definitely was not kidding with the random thoughts, they are swimming around all over my head. And I'm not so sure that blogging helped much, but now the thoughts can swim around blog-land! Enjoy! 


  1. Cute pix of Landon. I was freezing! Just so you know I read all your blogs!

  2. may i ask you sth? if you ever read this again? how did it everything finally turn to be? are you together? hopefully the answer is yes.

    is it hard to be the supportive one?

  3. Charlie came home at the end of june 2010 and proposed two months later. We were married in January and things are great. We are at a non deployable unit for the next three years.

    While it is hard being the one waiting for the phone calls, it is not hard to support your loved ones in what they love to do. Charlie really loves being a marine and a dog handler, and I will support that no matter where it takes him.
