Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lil Buddy!

My little brother comes home tomorrow and I'm bouncing off the walls!! He's my lil' buddy, my best friend, and an all around pretty cool kid! I suppose I should clarify a bit, he's 20, he's twice my size, the lucky shit got blue eyes and blonde hair, but he is, and always will be my lil buddy.

For the last year he's been in Korea.... pretty lame huh? Blame the Army! In August 2008 Tom joined the Army and was unlucky enough to have his first duty station be in Korea! Bummer!
But, he's done his year, and he is currently sitting in the airport in Korea ready to board his plane back to the US! I've never heard someone so excited to come back to the US, I know I sure didn't want to come home from Australia, but I guess there is a bit of a difference between Korea and Australia. I'm sure Charlie will be pretty darn excited to be coming back to the US in 5 months too! YEP just 5 more months!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Another Anniversary!

Today is my 1 year anniversary with Heritage Oaks Bank! YAY me! The pic above is of my awesome branch staff on Halloween/ my birthday party! We did a Cops and Jail Birds (managers = cops, staff = jail birds) theme. In case you might be wondering how I fit in, I was Mr. Jingles the mouse from the green mile (hence the extra petty coats for mouse "fluff"under that grey dress!).

Liz visited to say Happy B-day, her branch did 80's theme!

This isn't my first anniversary with a company, but it kind of feels that way. I worked at EG Vet for 2 years, Coast Vet for 4, Ogden and Fricks for 1.5, half of which was full time. Even though I worked full time at the law firm for 6 months after graduating from college, I knew that wasn't a "career" for me, so I suppose this is my first "real" job, real "career," or at least I'm on my way to building a career, being a commercial credit analyst isn't exactly a career, but a good start!

One of my clients at the bank brings her dog in every day when she makes her deposits and I made a comment to her that I worked in vet clinics for 6 years, 2 years in high school and 4 years through out college. The next day she came in and asked me.... how do you go from vet clinics to banking?!?

Truth... I'm a math nerd! I love the math, the analysis, the ratios, and the interpretation. The more complex the better! I'm talkin' 1 Corporation owned by 16 other companies with the owners of those companies having sole proprietorships! Thats 33 tax returns, income statements, and balance sheets... minimum! I like a good challenge. I hope that my job keeps bringing me a challenge, and that if I start to get bored I find ways to drum up new business and keep myself challenged!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Quite the year!

Today is mine and Charlie's 1 year anniversary! But instead of going on and on about how much I love him and how awesome we are I'm going to give you our last year in pictures!

 Charlie's 1st trip to SLO, and 1st wine tasting trip!    

Charlie's Birthday dinner cruise and weekend in San Diego!

We took my nephew to Sac County Fair!
Charlie's Sgt Course Graduation!

Nights out in Temecula                                     

Charlie's Company BBQ!                    

Cupcake fights at Landon's 1st B-day!

Fishing in WY!                

Road trip! Yellowstone!

Playin Softball w/my dad!

My B-day weekend... Disneyland!

Marine Corp Ball!

Charlie's Family visits Cali!

Our most recent picture, D-day....

It has been an amazing year, and I'm so thankful to have someone so amazing in my life. I'm truly blessed and I thank my lucky stars each day. I'm looking forward to many many more years.... and a lot less distance! Between training missions, hunting trips, pre-deployment training, deployments, and living 250 miles apart, I'm definitely looking forward to a lot less distance!

Friday, January 22, 2010


It's beyond cold in my house right now. I'm talkin like 52 degrees on the thermostat! BRRRR! I'm currently curled up on my couch with my marine corp blanket, my zebra blanket and my imitation snuggie and I'm shivering! I'm about to go huddle up in my room and turn my floor heater on full blast at 80 degrees.

Now it would be logical to turn the the heater on in my living room while I sit here and blog, but we don't think it works, or we don't know how to work it. I'm convinced our landlord cut the wires to it so we wouldn't use any more electricity than this green house produces!

Green is pretty awesome, but those darn solar panels on the roof are drivin me crazy right now! Apparently this is the first year girls have lived in the guest house... enter hair dryers, and baking, and extra lights to put on makeup, and the need for heaters, and a real electricity bill! OOPS! Needless to say we aren't breaking even, and our landlord posted a memo to us to limit our electricity usage through the end of the billing year in February.

Lucky for us the sun came out a bit today, and its supposed to be sunny this weekend! The Central Coast has averaged about 2 inches of rain a day this week. Its been a crazy stormy week here, winds at 50 miles an hour, heavy rain, flooding, tornadoes, the Santa Maria River actually ran for a few hours, and the waves reached 20 ft!

But the sun came out today! I took this picture on my drive to work. It was quite the scene, low lying rain clouds dumping buckets on the mesa, and the sun peering out above the storm cloud. It was clear but ominous as I was driving, then I passed through the little black cloud and across the Santa Maria River Bridge and it started coming down, giant raindrops filled my windshield and the wipers went at full blast, for all of 10 seconds. Then it was clear, the roads were dry, and the sun was shining.

This pattern continued all day, and while it is clear now, the suns gone down and it is FREEZING cold, and I'm bundled up on my couch, and I can't turn my heater on b/c it runs on electricity and I wouldn't be surprised if my landlord is over there monitoring every kWh running through this place! Time to grab another blanket! Or head to friends place with a heater! Guess it would be a bit of an oxymoron for a green house to have a fire place, but I could go for a good fire right now!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sleep Talking

I have talked in my sleep for as long as I can remember. Well actually, I don't remember, I never remember, but I've been told for a long long time that I talk in my sleep. It is generally unrecognizable and simply gibberish. One time, in high school, my best friend Brie, and Courtney and I were in Tahoe and all passed out in a giant bed in the downstairs room. Brie was in the middle of Courtney and I and apparently Courtney and I were talking back and forth about a bear pooping in the woods, behind a tree.... it seems we'd seen too many Charmin commercials??!! I'm pretty sure that is one of the few conversations I have had in my sleep that was understandable, or Brie was being exceptionally clever and just told us a story b/c we both talk in our sleep!

Charlie has only heard me talk in my sleep a couple times, which I find pretty amazing seeing as my parents used to tell me that they would hear me talking all the time when I lived at home. Maybe I sleep better now days?

Well in the spirit of people who talk in their sleep, I stumbled across this blog a couple weeks ago and it is amazing. This woman documents the things her husband says in his sleep, and the best part.... they're from England! It just makes it that much more funny! Check it out.... it is always good for a laugh no matter what kind of day you might be having!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Military Humor

Apparenty Mac's are cooler than PC's and only I could see the pictures that were posted here?!? Well lets try this again.... Mom sent this e-mail to me today and I got a good laugh out of some of these, hope you get one too! 

 I could see Charlie curling up like this!!

                         Maybe I should send out kiddie pool in my next care package?

And one from Charlie.... Gunny sleeping... SHHHH...

Hope you got a laugh too!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snail Mail....

Charlie and I have been working hard at writing each other more regularly. We both LOVE the idea of getting letters, and it's not that writing them is hard.... it's the waiting for the letters to come in the mail!! It takes forever for mail to get across the globe! Or maybe 2 weeks just feels like forever?

Charlie wrote me a letter on December 11, it was postmarked the 16th, and I got it in the mail on the 31st. It was the first letter I've gotten from him and it was soo special to read. Just the effort and thought put into handwritten letters is heartwarming. It could be a serious letter, a funny letter, an account of his day, or a vision for the future, it doesn't really matter, it really is just the thought that counts.

I've tried writing a lot more regularly. I sent out two letters this week, and a couple last week too. I also put a letter in the last care package I sent to Charlie. Care packages are the way to go let me tell ya! Parcel post gets to Afghanistan in a week... yep 1 week!!! To date, Charlie has gotten one letter from me, and 4 care packages. So far I have gotten one letter, but I know there are more to come! I check the mail every day, gives me something to look forward to when I get home from work. I told Charlie that eventually, if we keep up writing, the letters will come more regularly, and then we'll be motivated to keep it up!

I'm looking forward to compiling our letters in some form or another once he gets back. I want to have a keepsake to read over down the road when we think back on this deployment and how much it helped us to grow!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Special K!

This has been a rough week, like unusually rough! I'm not quite sure what is going on, but its been crazy, everything turned upside down and inside out and as much as I've tried, I can seem to figure out what triggered it!! So since I can't figure out why it's gone downhill, I'm going to work at going back uphill!

I have apologized to those I have been short with these last couple days. I have worked on ignoring a co-worker with an ego the size of Texas and an attitude to match that makes my workdays painful. I thoroughly enjoyed my "off day" in my workout program today. I did drop the ball on dinner tonight though, I had planned on a nice yummy fillet mignon, but I just looked at the clock and I'm not about to eat steak this late, so Special K diet it is! Luckily I love my Special K Blueberry cereal, so I'm totally ok with putting off the filet till tomorrow!

That makes one good thing that will happen tomorrow, and I hope that there are lots more to come!

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Building a Future!

2010, and yes, that is Twenty Ten, not Two Thousand Ten (way too wordy) is going to be a great year! As with any year its going to have its challenges, like 6 more months of this deployment, working in the banking industry isn't exactly butterflies and rainbows, and I have a lot of time and effort I want to put into physically improving myself (working out and eating better). But I predict the joys of 2010 will far outweigh the challenges! Charlie comes home this year! My brother come back to the states in 29 days! Maybe a change in career path by the end of the year? A change in living venues, goodbye SLO, hello San Diego County? Who knows!  But its going to be an adventure! 

I'm very excited for my brother to be coming home this month! If you don't know, he joined the army a year and a half ago and has served the last year in Korea. Not exactly his first choice in duty stations, but the year has flown by, and maybe he'll go someplace fun like Italy after his time in Georgia. I predict his time in Georgia will involve a deployment, 18 months for the army.... bummer! 

Not only does my brother come home this year, Charlie does too! Well not for another six months, but I'm already excited! I'm anxious to get by best friend back! Charlie and I chatted for a while today on Skype. Its so nice to see his face, have a real conversation with him. We were both laying in bed while on Skype, and it was almost as if he were lying there next to me while we chatted. Technology is amazing, and I'm so thankful for it as it has made this deployment so much easier for us!  

It seems I have a theme for each new year, or at least I have for the last few years. 2008 was the end of an era, I graduated college, my schooling was over for the time being. I plan on going back to school to get my masters and teaching credential after getting some real world experience, but 2008 was the end of an era. I wrung in 2009 with "new year, new beginnings." there were so many things I wanted to let go of from my past, and in 2009 I accomplished just that. And there were so many new beginnings. I started my job with the bank that I love, I started dating Charlie, I learned how to embrace all of the wonderful things in my life. For 2010 I look forward to building a future! Charlie and I have an amazing future ahead of us, and we work every day to make it what it is! I know every step I take in 2010 will be a step towards our future, and its so excited for me to think of it as OUR future! I predict 2010 will be a great year!