Friday, January 15, 2010

Sleep Talking

I have talked in my sleep for as long as I can remember. Well actually, I don't remember, I never remember, but I've been told for a long long time that I talk in my sleep. It is generally unrecognizable and simply gibberish. One time, in high school, my best friend Brie, and Courtney and I were in Tahoe and all passed out in a giant bed in the downstairs room. Brie was in the middle of Courtney and I and apparently Courtney and I were talking back and forth about a bear pooping in the woods, behind a tree.... it seems we'd seen too many Charmin commercials??!! I'm pretty sure that is one of the few conversations I have had in my sleep that was understandable, or Brie was being exceptionally clever and just told us a story b/c we both talk in our sleep!

Charlie has only heard me talk in my sleep a couple times, which I find pretty amazing seeing as my parents used to tell me that they would hear me talking all the time when I lived at home. Maybe I sleep better now days?

Well in the spirit of people who talk in their sleep, I stumbled across this blog a couple weeks ago and it is amazing. This woman documents the things her husband says in his sleep, and the best part.... they're from England! It just makes it that much more funny! Check it out.... it is always good for a laugh no matter what kind of day you might be having!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how you find this stuff but that link was hilarious!!!
